My favorite Simpsons songs:
Canyonero Commercial
Jebediah Springfield’s Theme Song
Hank Scorpio’s Theme Song
My favorite Futurama songs (get them here) :
Robot Hell Song
Poppler Commercial Song
Bureaucrat’s Song
Grunka Lunka’s Song
Xmas Song
Strangely enough I liked Katey Sagal’s singing in Futurama songs. I learned that she recorded a CD called “Well“. The damn thing almost made me puke. I don’t even know how to explain it. Sachariny songs, terrible electronic music arrangements. Ewwww. Her voice sounded nothing like Leela’s singing in Futurama. I went to Amazon now to get the link, and low and behold – ten years after “Well” she has another CD called “Room” out. Do I dare to buy it? She does have a great voice…