Livejournal’s blogging software might not be that good as far as I am concerned, but they still have some of the best communities ever. Take, for instance, found_objects”>. It’s a community dedicated to pictures of interesting random crap, very much in the style of Found magazine. Of course, many livejournalers are not familiar with the concepts of “interesting”, “resizing pictures” and “editorial selection”, but overall besides the huge blurry pictures of absolutely uninteresting stuff (what, the community is called “found objects”, I found this) there’s much, much outstanding stuff. Here’s my selection for your lesurely browsing:
Primer II: Evacipation Now is wrapping up principal photography. Once again no expense was spared for props and special effects.
NSA’s version of McGruff the Crime Dog (NSA stands for “No Such Agency”). NSA is scary, and their mascot is scary too.
The three laws of robotics. In bench form.
Cooooooooomeee on down to Ocean City, Maryland. But to get that suit you need to name the actual retail price without going over.
What is the great Russian poet doing here?
Um, I say this is a torture device.
Totoro was here.
That’s a great chair. For me to poop on!
Now, this is great art. Period.
The moving company with the most unfortunate url.
Lipton ad executives have been smoking stuff.
Now this is a chick magnet!
Happy times!
CDR art / Biohazard.
The vast right wing conspiracy in bookstores.
To the dump to the dump to the dump-pum-pum.
Now, that’s a noble profession.
The magical mystery bus.
The magical mystery buckle.
The magical mystery soda.