
Jeff Bezos from Greznte, Slovakia has a scary Amazon wishlist featuring “Special Forces Guerrilla Warfare Manual”, “Total Resistance”, “150 Questions For A Guerrilla”, “On Guerrilla Warfare” and “Everyman’s Talmud”. Please don’t buy him anything. He’s probably up to no good.

Jeff Bezos from Seattle, WA who works at, is known for his laugh and Austin Powers costume likes Aunt Lizzie’s Zero Carb Cheese Straw Bites so much that “[his] mouth is watering as [he writes] this”. I bought a box of them too, and Jeff did not lie. They are pretty damn good. I wonder, if I’ll buy him something from his wishlist, will he send me a “thank you” email? Then again, he must have a better discount than I do…

Also sometimes he time-travels.

Imaginary Dragon is A Square Root of a Negative Dragon

I’ve been fooling around with SDK today. I’ve always wanted to write a wishlist manager. I tried to export my wishlist out, but not all records are being returned. Looks like it’s a known bug according to their bulletin board. Ok, I guess I’ll have to extract it page by page (it seems to be working a page at a time).

At the same time I discovered a silly bug in the way wishlist results are displayed. To reproduce” modify “” part of the query string in the url, to jump a few pages forward. Then press “previous button” : numbering of items will turn to negative numbers. Yeah, pagination is usually tricky to code right. But if even I can do it, so should Amazon programmers.

Regular shopping cart pagination uses “pg” token, and works ok with this manual jump.

Right now I am in the process of consolidating all of my information in a hyperlinked map. The tool I am using is called Treepad. But it’s late, I’ll write more about that later. Good night.