I have many role models. But when I was writing that post I forgot about a few people. One of them is Saparmurat Turkmenbashi.
Saparmurat Niyazov is the fearless leader of Turkmenistan, aka First and Lifetime President of Turkmenistan High Commander of the Army Saparmurat Turkmenbashi. Turkmenbashi is a honorific, meaning Father Of All Turkmen. Few leaders in the history of mankind can come even close to achievements of Turkmenbashi:
Turkmenbashi is probably the most important writer and philosopher ever, comparable maybe only to
(I translated these quotes from a post in
Ruhnama is compulsory reading for all students in Turkmenistan. In fact, Ruhnama is it’s own subject.
One day I want to be known as Deadprogrammerbashi. That will be so sweet! But for now I will probably undertake a deep study of Holy Ruhnama and Turkmenbashi’s poetry. I should also start writing poems in honor of Turkmenbashi. I wonder, if I write him a letter with a poem, will he answer?