Exhibit A: OCP Enforcement Droid Series 209.
Exhibit B: NYPD Skywatch Sentinel Droid Surveillance Tower.
Blogging since 2002
Exhibit A: OCP Enforcement Droid Series 209.
Exhibit B: NYPD Skywatch Sentinel Droid Surveillance Tower.
There was an article in the New York Post today about a kid who attempted to “subway surf” to impress his friends and died. What exactly happened is rather unclear. The police say that he hit a girder with his head and died instantly. His “friends” say that the train hit a bump and he fell off. The morons didn’t even notify the conductor (they waited until the next stop) and the next train ran over the poor dude.
There is an article about the “sport” at Village Voice with some photos:
Of course that often leads to horrible heartbreak: a photo from the Post of the boy’s mother being comforted by an NYPD police officer and a captain (the captain has gold insignia on the shoulder) after a collapse.
I think I know who the captain is (the picture in the paper was a bit clearer). It’s probably Karin Azadian, the commander of the Central Park Precinct precinct. I think she’s the only female captain in Manhattan Borough Command.
Interesting fact about NYPD horses from http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/transportation/horses.html :
“Most horses are now named after deceased members of the NYPD, although some have names that commemorate their donors.”