I Have A Degree In Danger

There’s an article called “Degrees Of Danger” in today’s copy of the paper that was founded by a proponent of a strong central government and the author of the Federalist Papers. The article is about crime in and around colleges and universities. There’s a punch list of crimes that happened between 2000 and 2002, from which I selected three bullets.

* NYU : 5,707 pot and drug busts near the campus
* Princeton : 26 sex offenses
* Brooklyn College : two homicides near campus

My Alma Mater scores low on the drugs and sex, but high on murders. says that this is typical of America vs Europe. He might have a point there.

The Saddam Hussein Reader

I don’t really know much about everybody’s favorite contemporary mustached dictator.

I didn’t know that Saddam’s full name is Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti. I didn’t know that his wife Sajida, two years his senior, also happens to be his first cousin. That’s seems right, she is the one who gave birth to the abominable Uday and Qusay. Uuu – die. Brrr..

Anyway, looks like Saddam’s biography shouldn’t be any less entertaining than “The Sopranos”. There’s a whole bunch of Saddamy goodness on Amazon:

The Saddam Hussein Reader
The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Understanding Iraq
or this:

What to pick, what to pick…