Cover Your Manhole

After a string of electrocutions of pets and people, as well as for the famous manhole butt branding, Con Ed is applying some weird resin on top of its ornate manholes. Most of the surface is covered with opaque resin, but it looks like the middle, with “Con Edison” logo, is covered with clear epoxy or something similar.

By the way, I only now found out that “con” in Con Edison does not stand for “swindle”, ie “confidence”, “convict” or “against”, but for “consolidated”. Go figure.

I’ve decided to try some ads in my rss feed. These will be items from that I will be placing manually. The idea is that unlike in, these will not be random flashing ads that nobody is interested in (I stopped reading this blog – it’s easier to pick up NYT or NYP or read their official feed). These will be tempting things, things that I either own or would like to own, sometimes related to the post and sometimes not.
