New And Improved Deadprogrammer.

Now with 20% more rantolioum!

No, I am not on vacation. And no, I am not reading the Harry Potter book. And of course I haven’t run out of ideas. I was just a bit busy. In fact, I am still busy. But I will steal time from sleep, reading and Tivo to bring you more good stuff.

Coming soon to a browser near you:

  • Deadprogrammer’s favorite skyscraper (this is going to be a good one)
  • Really awesome artifacts of Art Deco era
  • Pen computing, mind mapping, memex and friends (continuation of the rant)
  • NYC subway mosaics
  • Rants about Tablet PC
  • Some more artsy fartsy pictures, why not
  • Sci-fi book that I want to plug
  • Livejournals you should read
  • Rumble, rumble, rumble. Honk! Honk!

    Google’s 60+ (up from 50+) PHDs seem to be applying all of their energy into making search results suck more. From what I understand, the power of pagerank lies in harvesting links from pages. I wonder if there are any statistics, but I think that there is a decline in personal homepages. You know, the “Here’s is a picture of me, and here’s one of my cat. And these are my favorite links” kind. People who used to put those together are now blogging. So the fact that fewer people are linking other than in blogs could very well be the reason why pagerank is sucking more.

    Cutting out blogs from search results also cuts out a lot of very good stuff. For instance, a search for “cray at chippewa falls friedlander” is not going to bring back a link to my article.

    Why am I pissed? Well, it’s because I can’s seem to find an answer to the following question. Do military tanks have traffic horns? I also can’t find the specifications for surgical blue and green colors. This sucks. Somebody must have blogged about this.

    My Money and My Sanity Went To Miskatonic University

    Visited good old Miskatonic U (also known as Brooklyn College) today. I needed to beg for a stupid requirement waiver. I hate organized education.

    Some professor at the CS department threw out a bunch of old computer books from the departmental library. I picked up some, among them “System/360-370 Assembler Language (DOS)” by Kevin McQuillen. Among other coolness, every chapter in the book was illuminated by a photograph of a programmer or a group of programmers.

    See, in 1978 programmers always looked cool.

    Even just repairing perforated tape, Tom Jennings’ favorite medium.

    Or sitting at a terminal and not even looking at the blinkenlights.

    Journal News

    I will be eliminating , my Russian journal. I will repost some of the stuff from there in .
    In addition to badly floundering community, I just created . I’ll put my subway rants there. While there will be few subscribers, I will be crossposting in my own journal.

    Unfortunately, there is no “plugging” mechanism in livejournal. I would love to get more readers, but there is no easy way to promote my journal and communities. I think I’ve seen a post about a feature like that in someone’s blog, but I can’t find the link. I need a good url manager. In any way, plugs are appreciated here, at Deadprogrammer Inc.

    Also, here’s a beef I have with you, readers. Every time I ask for some interesting blog recommendations you are silent. What’s up with that? Don’t you know any good journals?

    Joko the Lawn Jockey

    Immediately after landing in Manhattan, the delegation form Lawn Jockey planet demanded to see our leader.

    Interesting, this ubiquitous lawn ornament seems to have an interesting history. It’s also interesting how almost all Jockos I’ve ever seen in New York (including in this stunning collection) were white. And I’ve seen a lot of them when I had a job delivering ad papers in many neighborhoods of Brooklyn. (Yes, I delivered paper spam).